Can you take it?

Initially I did not want to watch it. It took me like a few weeks before I decided to give it a go. I watched "28 days later" a couple of years ago and I loved it. Imagine waking up in a hospital and realising that you are pretty much the only living being in the city or for that matter the country. The pressure of being and feeling alone in a largely deserted and empty city like London, and to realise that there are mobs of virus-striken people chasing after you. Yea, its tough...
Hence, I did not give "28 weeks later" much thought, since its has a different director and different cast. None-the-less, I went ahead and watched it. To my pleasant surprise, it turned out better than I thought. There was a sudden realisation to what "28 days later" is after. I suddenly saw the connection between both movies. It was not as fragmented as I thought it to be.
Overall, 3.75 Rage Virus out 5.
Labels: Movie-review
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