Beware very afraid....
My digi-cam is recovering from a memory-reading error. It is on its way to full recovery soon. The treatment was darn expensive.....don't know whether can use medi-save or not. Anyway, it has been months since I last touched it.....exams....exams....then realised that it fell ill, lazy to send it to a doctor.....but all has changed. IT IS COMING BACK TO ME...healthy and clicky.
I am going to taking photos of everything that dares to come near me. Ah-peks digging their noses on the MRT, ungracious people with their butts glued to the MRT seats, derelict buildings, artistic works and of course, ME...ME...ME.......can't wait to collect my little thing....IT has been suffering....I will LET NO ONE ELSE TAKE IT.......
Basically this blog is here to fill in my time and to fill in my posts.
I just finished studying and my hands itching to type. AND it has been a really humid and hot day.
My greatest wish for today.........TO GET IRRITATING PEOPLE OFF MY BACK........
My greatest indulgence for today........BEN & JERRY's Cherry Garcia.......

My greatest desire for today..........TO BE TREATED LIKE A KING...

My greatest thought for today.............Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness.
My greatest achievement for today...........Managed to FINISH one chapter of the dreaded subject...........

My greatest yearning for today...........TO GO TO GREECE.......(SAVING FOR IT)

One final one.......
My greatest happiness for to know that you are reading my blog..........
***Kenneth stop lying to hate all humanities.......your greatest happiness is derived from the utter destruction and suffering of humans........argggg...arggg.....***
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