Day in Day out....Oh my, its Saturday, May 28, 2005 already

SAR WARS Chapter Six: The Return of the EXAMS

A long time ago in the tiny land of SingABall, far far away.

The Republic of Ntu endured on the senseless violence. Many years have passed. Many lives were taken. Yet, the war raged on, as if peace will never come. War is hatred in action. War never ceased to make people suffer, as though, their own sufferings fuel it.

SingABall's sorties weighed the people down. The meaning of this war was starting to fade. There is no meaning at all. Yet, the leaders' hubris pushed the nations to their extreme. An extreme form of suffering, an extreme form of hatred and an extreme form of fear. It was the same fear that gave rise to the EXAMS.

The EXAMS, otherwise more infamously known as the EXtrAroid Minute Squadron, is a fearless army. Each army is no bigger than a normal A4-sized paper. However, there are an innumerable of them. Such fear of the EXAMS exist in everybody's mind. Some prepared to face the EXAMS more than the rest, yet, these people lived in an ever constant fear that they succumb to the EXAMS. All are humbled in the face of the EXAMS. More so of the consequence of encountering the EXAMS, such of no-one dare to speak about. RESULTS (Raging Electrical Senseless Ultimate Lightning Trauma Sydrome) is the worst form of torment given by the EXAMS. The psychological wait to suffer the RESULTS is probably one level lower, yet of near equal lethality. Many of the well-prepared one may not suffer as much, but they too suffer from the painful wait. Others simply crush in face of it all.

The EXAMS fed on fear.

The steady stream of fear soon gathered all around SingABall and Ntu. Like a shark attracted to fresh blood, the EXAMS franatically search for the fount of this fear. Ravenous and desperate, the smell of fresh fear fuelled the EXAMS hunger.

Man's foolish and futile ambition and anger will soon be rendered to insignificance.

------------------------Ntu JEDI Council (Joint Elite Dean's Imperialist Council)------------------------

Yoyo-da: Calamity, I forsee. Back, they are. Fearsome, they've become.

President of Ntu: The EXAMS will destroy us all. Nothing will be left. Nothing......

Dean for School of How to Think: Is it worth it in the first place? Are we to let EXAMS to define us? To tell us who we are? To dictate us? I think the answer is clear. The only way to stop EXAMS, or for that matter, tame the EXAMS, is to cut of the fuel to their being, to their form and their percived fear.

Yoyo-da: Foolish, we have been. Fighting, we are tired of.

President: Enough of the war. Enough. For sake for the Republic, we have given up much. In the end, the meaning is questioned. Faith has been asked. There is nothing that the EXAMS can do, once humanity's inner fear be transformed into a strength, a courage and a power. A power to believe that all can be surmount, all can be solved and all can be without fear.
May the As be with us......

In the end, a verdict was made. Peace was to be extended to SingABall. A friendship be forged? A new Alliance against the EXAMS?

The SingABall government, too, see the impending doom. An edict was announced by the government speaker, "On the command of Heavens, base on my great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather, the founder of SingABall. I, PM Leeee, accepts Republic of Ntu and forever recognise the Republic's sovereignty. All SAR (SingABall Anti-Republic) Wars will halt and forever be so.

All rejoiced in the new found peace. A tranquility descended throughout the land. Serenity soon clothed all. The fear was gone. The EXAMS soon found another source of food. They left the place without a single destruction.

All is peace, all is joy. Yet, it is a hard-earned one. The lives of the people from SingABall and Ntu soon resumed normal. It is through adversaries that peace is to be a quite, calm and serene one. It is through the understanding of a certain doom and death, that LIFE is so vulnerable and hence, precious.

There might still be wars, hatreds, epidemics, deaths and gloom around. They are there just to tell us what love is, what peace is, what serenity is, what you and I stand for.

*************************May the As be with you*****************************************


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