Days of My Life
Working on something I think its INTERESTING, at least to me. I know its VERY lame and you might not want to see it, but its my blog.......NEH NEH BO BO!!!!!
-----DISCLAIMER: For now, I'll have to feed you with boring bits of my life. Seriously, the degree of boringness might turn you off and enrage your highness. And forever then, your highness shall bluntly refuse to visit this humble abode...........but even so, this little piece of my life hopefully can feed your voyueristic side of you. Just read on....------
180505-1600 Hrs onwards
Finished with my last blog.....the one on Sob & Cry......went for a short nap...
Then Derrick came back with Hui Xian.......OMG........ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(note: Me, Derrick, Hui Xian and Kang Ni meeting up for dinner, hence, after Derrick and Hui Xian's lesson, they came back to Hall 4.....)
Hui Xian roused me from my precious nap....m..y...prrreccciousss........mmmyyyy prrrreeecccciousssss NAP!!!!!
****WHO LET HUI XIAN OUT???? WHO WHO WHO?????*****
But I forgiven her liao...........
Meanwhile, Kelson threw Derrick's slipper down to the floor below. That's Hall 4 for u....

Then we went to Jurong Point to meet up with Kang Ni.......who led us to this RESTAURANT....which I am not going to name....
You go figure out free advertisement here.......

"Shudder Shudder Shudder"
We settled down.....
I flipped open the menu.....It looked innocently at me.....

"What an ugly guy? Faster order leh...."
I stared back at it......totally lost....

"Errr....are there any menus around? Its like nothing edible...."
I soon settled for something like a Beef-noodle thingy...

"What's that?"
Very soon, other concoctions arrived on the table.......HORROR HORROR.....



"Xia mi?"
Ok....enough of HORRORs.....
After buying juices and other makans at NTUC.....back to Hall rest rest.....

Woke up very late.
Went to canteen A for breakfast + lunch + tea-break with Derrick and Kelson......
Accompanied Kelson to Office of Finance. Derrick did something that made us laugh.........on second thought, he did something that made us worried for him. Anyone got the mental hosptial's telephone number??
Came back and my laptop still DOWNLOADING warcraft 3 update....argg it has been downloading forever.....its been two days and the downloading bar still shows 94%........

--------------------End of a Boring Blog----------------------------------------------
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