A Lot of TTDs

There are many things on my mind now. It is as if I woken up to a ton of THINGS TO DO. Some of them are pure procrastinated TTD, so I can't really complain much. There are important TTD and there are necessary TTD, the problem is that it is hard to differentiate between them. Some necessary TTD is not as important as the important TTD, while some important TTD are not there necessary.
For a starter, I need to call up Starhub to request for a change of SCV-box. My box was spoilt. There were sparks and the ZeeZeeZee sound. I was dry on television for the past few days, so much so that I had to seek refudge in my friend's house just to watch shows. On top of the replacement, I decided to get the latest DVR-set. It can record shows that I designate. This is great. As their advertising tag-line goes, I do need to plan my life around the television any more.
The next on the list is my poor MacBook. It somehow refused to wake up. Called up the Apple help-line and was directed to the Alexandra outlet. Very near my house. Going there in one hour time.
Then I called up the Singapore CFA to request for more information. The problem I am most concerned with is the accreditation. Most probably for the next 2 years, I will be an auditor and CFA does not accredit auditors. Maybe I will try for the Affiliate instead of an Associate. But the weekly classes are really expensive, need to discuss with my friend if she is willing to take up the weekly class.
Just up-graded my Internet connection. Apparently it was faster, because the loading time has decreased significantly, even when I am using Flickr. I need to double confirm if Singnet has indeed activated the new connection speed.
My contact lens supply is drying up and I need to get another year's worth. I wanted to take daily contacts, but heard that for my degree, it will be darn darn darn darn expensive.
And the annual pain in the arse IPPT. I have booked it on the end this month. Therefore......I need to work out regularly. Really need to run and exercise.
Its a great start to a great year. ZzzzzzzZZzzzzz.........
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