Girl Flend......

I have decided to get a girl friend......the SDU (Social Development Unit or otherwise) sent me their most ELIGIBLE bachelorette. The moment I saw her....ITS MAGICAL....There is a deja vu feel.....
I think I have fallen in love with her......

"I finally found my TRUE LOVE......RU HUA I LOVE U!!"

I feel so blissful.....and lucky to have found HER.....
Listen up GUYS.....BUZZ OFF....SHE IS MINE.....
But....I have a regret....a regret that will haunt me for the rest of my life...
Ruhua is good...she is beautiful....she sings like a lark....can cook, bake and steam...graceful....
There is someone still forever etched in my heart...our relationship goes back to hundreds of years ago......

I first met her during my incarnation as Tang Bohu....she was the beautiful Qiuxiang......but we were never together.....
I was a Ming Emperor.....she was vagabond assassin.....
A plot was hitched to kill me and she was hired to do the job.....

Alas, on a stormy night, she came to find me.....Her vengeful eyes stared coldly into mine.....
That was when our LOVE was strange...but if to continue a LOVE STORY from many years ago.....
I took her as my imperial concubine.....

But she fell to her death before she reached me.....hai~~~~
I heard that she is doing well.....

Yet, I don't think I can repay her for her LOVE.....she is too perfect....

......AND SHE IS HOT.....
I guess I will stick to my dear Ru Hua......hai~~~
1. The above is fiction.
2. If you think that the above is a fact, I guess you should think again.
3. My digicam not ready and I am pissed.
4. All the above photos are done from Microsoft Picture It 99'. All words on the photos are my creative work. Copy-righted.
5. My digicam is NOT READY yet.
6. I am bored.
7. Heavens, enough liao la.
8. ATE Ben&Jerry's Cherry Garcia.
9. Fine....I am so bored to start playing rhyme game....
10. Can we stop already?.........
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