Day in Day out....Oh my, its Monday, November 21, 2005 already

As True as Love can Be (Chapter Two)

She leaned back, typing away on her laptop. Occasionally her left hand reached out for her coffee. Sometimes she wished Starbucks will be closed just to cater for her.

“You think you are going to win?” It was Cannosa. He sat down across Destiny.

Destiny continued typing.

Cannosa stared straight into Destiny.

The silence was penetrating, albeit the busy gossiping sounds and the messy crowds.

You think you are going to win?” Destiny answered.

Chapter Two: Are You There For Me?

“Hihi. You there?” Sahx typed on her MSN conversation window.


“Cedric, just wanna ask you some questions.”


“There is this guy who sort of wanting to become my friend. I feel that we connect in someway.” Sahx typed away, her heart pounding even harder.

“Great! Finally someone would want you. Haahaa…..but poor him….”

“HEY! I am telling you my problem….you are not suppose to laugh.” Sahx could feel her face burning.

“Harlow, Sahx. Cannosa here.”

Sahx’s heart raced even harder. She felt a sense of happiness. She typed in her friend, Cedric’s MSN conversation window, “Fine, since u say me like tat. BYE!” and she closed the window.

As again, Sahx and Cannosa exchanged their lives through the virtual world. Sahx felt Cannosa’s warmth, although words are what she saw. In her life, this moment was the greatest, the sweetest and the most comforting.

She told him how she never fell in love before. Cannosa explained true love to her, in the most poetic and romantic way. Cannosa, through his cold flickering words on the screen, managed to lead Sahx through a journey of love. His descriptions brought Sahx to lofty heights and gave Sahx wings for her to fly through the lovey-dovey clouds.

Sahx’s little world has materialized. The little world had become a reality. A truth and hope, only separated by virtual world.

“Its getting late…or rather its getting early. Its 5 am now. You have to go to sleep. You have classes later…:P”

“Can we chat for half an hour more? Please. Don’t go.”

“No, you have to sleep. Go. Nitezzzzzz.”

“Stay please…..”

The following message could not be delivered to all recipients: Stay please…..

Sahx felt a deep sense of loss. She lingered by her computer for a few minutes, a strong reluctance to close Cannosa’s MSN conversation window. A feeble hope that Cannosa might log on once more. A tiny tinge of lingering pain wandered throughout her. She soon lay asleep.

She was dancing away in a Palace ballroom. It was a grandeur place with soft playing music. The chandeliers were made of gold and rubies. The marble floor was polished and smooth, the flowers were blooming with joy and the mirrors were screaming for attention. Sahx danced on. She was happy and ecstatic. She tried to make out her dance partner’s feature. She tried to take a closer look, even though her dance partner was really close to her. It was the sun. It was too glaring. The sun was too glaring. Sahx jolted up. It was morning already.

She sighed and wished that her dream would continue.

She sighed once more and it was for her afternoon class.

She brushed up and left home.

The afternoon crowd at the bus station was tight and packed. Everyone waited patiently for the bus into the school. Sahx took her position and started waiting. She started drifting into her little world. This time there was no Korean hunks, no Taiwan Lad, no Japanese Guy. Just Cannosa alone. She never met him before, but images of Cannosa were created by her own delusions. Yet, she felt strange. In her little world, it was still imperfect. There was a void. An emptiness she could never fill up. She knew why, yet, she chose to ignore it.

“Sahx. Hello, Destiny here.” A gentle pad on Sahx’s shoulder brought her back to the real world.

“Hey Destiny. I really need to tell you something. You are my saviour!”

I am here for you.” Destiny smiled.

Sahx decided to pour her soul to Destiny. She knew Destiny was the one friend she could confide in. She knew Destiny was the only one who can help her to mend her little world.

“You see, Destiny, I am lost. I am very lost now. I never experience love. I don’t know what love is. But, there is a boy who seem to be the answer. And there is yet another one, who keeps telling me the answer. I forced myself to believe in the one who keep telling me the answer. I chose to ignore the one who seem to be the answer. Am I confusing you?”

“Don’t worry, I understand. The boy who you like is the one who can truly answer your question. What is love anyway? It manifests into the person you like. The other one who keep telling you what love is, never really understand what love is. I suggest you make a decision. To like someone is really hard. But that is the only way true love manifests.”

“Yet, I feel as connected to Cannosa as I am to Cedric.”

“Arrr, so those are their names. I guess Cannosa is the one who keeps telling you the answer. Even the name is so romantic.” Destiny breathed in deep. “Cedric? Isn’t he the one from your class, I mean, from our class? The one who keeps teasing you. Puppy love?”

“No! I guess not. I feel that he is the one for me. But now, I don’t know anymore. Cannosa is a great guy.”

“You two never met. He could be jerk for all you know.”

“Impossible. Cannosa is real. He is real.”

Destiny nudged Sahx onto the bus. Time always passed so fast, everything Sahx was with Destiny. Sahx felt a calm serenity within her. It seemed that Destiny had already told her the answer.

(Disclaimer: This is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone or anything dead or alive is really a freak coincidence. Who was winning and what was the bet? Stay tune for Chapter Three.

“Stop poisoning her mind with your lies!” boomed Cannosa.

“Maybe if you stop filling her mind with your feeble words about love. I might consider stopping. I am in the process of changing the destiny of two people. I will make sure that all is well and nothing gets in the way!”)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

An interesting read...


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