Crazy is just another name for Kenneth

"Hahahaha, I am not crazy. Just that I am taking a break from being human......"
Rationality is a burden that I hope that I can quickly cast it into the air.
Being Crazy is one way to relieve stress...........

I admit that I am mildly crazy. I need to get into this mode to prevent myself from jumping off any structures.........

In any case should anybody else's butt rub your face, certainly there are a couple of things you can do. Scream at the fellow hoping that he will apologise (unfortunately he will scream vuglarities back at you....and you will scream obscenities) or simply craze your day away.....

What is being crazy like?
Well its kind of fun just not being yourself. Never care how others look at you or think of you. You are simply yourself. However, not everybody can become crazy. It is NOT in them. They are ever as serious as the SUN will RISE FROM THE WEST.

Crazy is COOL.......if you see something that you like......GO FOR IT.....BE WILD...BE HAVOC.....SIMPLY BE CRAZY......
"ever walk alone. If need be I will be here treading by your side."
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