Day in Day out....Oh my, its Wednesday, September 28, 2005 already

Perhaps Perhaps

It was a lazy, breezy morning. The wind just refused to let me wake up. Being housed at the 36th floor just never allows me to wake up early.

I rolled on my bed.

I pulled my blanket and adjusted it to cover my whole body and legs.

I continued to delude myself that time will naturally stop at 8.00 am.

The delusion was smashed by the irritating alarm clock. I really wish to meet the guy who invented the alarm clock and just kick him.

I had to wake up. Otherwise, my dad will leave the house without me...........but he always wait for me in the end.

On my dad's car, I will wonder why are there so many vehicles clogging the roads. Why can't they be nice people and give way to us. There are many whys, and in the end I will be quietly drawn to dreamland.

Once in awhile, I will register what the chinese radio 95.8, broadcasted.

Today, the topic is about "Do you trust the nanny who is looking after your kids." The radio guys started by pointing to an article in the chinese morning newspapers. The article was about the passing of a jail sentence of 21 years to a pedophile. Apparently, this couple sent their daughter to their neighbour to have her babysit by this lady. This lady's husband then preyed on this little girl for five years.

A lot aunties and uncles started calling in. Some requesting a tougher jail sentence. Some pointed out that this is an isolated case and not to "one bamboo sweep off all the people on the boat". Others brought out their bad experiences with nannies.

Personally, I think that in this Singapore cauldron, there are all kinds of people. It is impossible to pin-point exactly who is the perversed and who is the saint. It will be hard to judge anyone. We can only use agaration and our inate sense, which is certainly not flawless.

Other than thinking opinions in my head, I also silently laughed at those who called in. Some of them really think that they know a lot and think that their views are correct. There are ALL kinds of people in Singapore.

After a wholesome breakfast, my dad drove me to school.

And I think to myself why are the roads in NTU so narrow. We were moivng at a tortoise rate beacause of this 179 bus. Its wasting my time, my dad's time and the guy behind's time. too.

Reached LT19A. Tired.

Saw Yiting aka Ting Ting and Mingpei aka Auntie Dragon and sat a few seats away. This is a NTU practice to BOOK seats. Hence, no one will come and sit in between me and Yiting, thereby BOOKING or RESERVING the seats. Still tired and sleepy.

Took out my laptop and materials for the impending TAX LECTURE. Still tired, sleepy and moody.

Fiddled with the internet settings to get the DARN internet connection. I cannot believe that the connection was so weak and got me very FRUSTRATED. Still tired, sleepy, moody and frustrated.

Lecturer started talking. I listened intently. However, a quiet process called Stoningmorphism is taking place. Still tired, sleepy, moody, frustrated and stoned.

Totally engrossed in my own little Kenny-world. Still tired, sleepy, moody, frustrated, stoned and lost.

It was after sometime that the lecture on how to TAX those foreign expats finally ended.

Went to relieve my hunger.

Spent some crazy time fooling around in the seminar room.

It started to rain heavily outside. And it was freezing.

The next lesson started.

It was Derrick's group presenting. He made us acted in his little script. He called himself a DIRECTOR...right in front of me.....PEH......

But it was fun. To see everyone trying their best to read the script and have to add EMOTIONS to it. Yiting's HAHA was funny but the rest apparently did not get the joke.......

I think I got the most chocolates as prizes.......GOOD MOTIVATION.......

I think I learnt something about Balanced Scorecard.......just what was it exactly?....Hmmm....

The day got fuzzier as it drags on. And I kind of forgot what happened.....

Derrick and Huixian accompanied me back to my house to take clothings and stuff.

Derrick told my mum that Huixian was her future daughter-in-law. (an mum was so worried that she asked me whether was it true..) I guess it was those kind of things that need not be answered.........its pretty obvious.......hai~~I dun wanna hurt Huixian's feeling......

Went back to hall........the taxi-driver was either ignornant or scrupulous.....he took us on a LONG LONG JOURNEY......So the government is saying that the taxi-drivers can cheat us lah, but we cannot cheat the taxi-drivers.....

Wanted to study and finish up the presentation slides. But motivation failed chocolates.....




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