Never Judge a Subject by their Text-book.......

My AA201......making Me to prepare Finanical Statements to con the public.....
"You can't see the fraud......"
"You can't see the fraud......"
"You can't see the fraud......"

The image is says "AA202: Accouning for Decision Making & Control"....
Basically, it teaches me how to con the offering "compensations" and "incentives"....blabbering slick/concise/value-ladened/inspirational taglines....
"Be the Best!"
"Excellence and nothing else"
"I am a motivated employee"
"Kenneth is a nice guy"

They are trying to use technology to REPLACE all accountants.....
Die technology DIE.....for that I shall not devote my spirit to this subject.....
Please help to sign an online petition against the implementation of technology in ACCOUNTING FIRMS.......if not I will be out of job even before graduating.....
There is still one more subject.....that is Principles of Taxation.....I still do not know which text book to get....apparently the search for the thickest text-book for this subject is still going on......
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